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Our School's COVID-19 Plan

Welcome to our COVID response page. Below you’ll find all the critical information about how P.S. 69Q is changing the way we operate to reduce the risk of COVID infection.

We are doing everything we can to make sure staff, students, and families are safe.

Please check back regularly, as we will update the information here as conditions change.

Our School Schedule

The in-person schedule for Grades 1 through 5 is as follows:

                    Monday         Tuesday       Wednesday     Thursday            Friday
     Week 1  Group A         Group B         Group A         Group B          Group C
     Week 2  Group B         Group C         Group A         Group B          Group C
     Week 3  Group C         Group A         Group A         Group B          Group C

                                Group D – Remote Only Students



The in-person schedule for PreK and Kindergarten is as follows:

                    Monday           Tuesday        Wednesday      Thursday         Friday
    Week 1   Group A           Group A          Group B          Group A        Group B
    Week 2   Group B           Group A          Group B          Group A        Group B

                               Group D – Remote Only Students


Special Education classes will attend everyday. 

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School Hours

The school day will have  staggered start times for in-person instruction. Some classes begin at 8:30 a.m. and dismiss at 2:00 p.m. and some classes start at 8:45 a.m. and dismiss at 2:15 p.m.


During in-person instruction, Reading, Writing, Math, Social Studies and Science will be prioritized. Your child may also have a Music, Physical Education or Visual Arts class. Some of these subjects will be taught remotely if they are not taught during the in-person day of attendance.


In-person schedule

Each family has received a letter with your child’s schedule.  The letter details your child’s group, class assignment,  time of entry and dismissal, and entry and dismissal doors. 


Protocols for dropoff and pickup

•Each entry door will be supervised by school staff to ensure that students are supported in maintaining physical distancing and using PPE.

•This includes staff presence outside the school building to support students and families lining up for entry.

Please be sure to observe 6 feet of physical distancing during entry and dismissal.  Each student must wear a mask/face covering at all times from entry to dismissal.  Students will use hand sanitizer upon entry and proceed directly to their classroom with their teacher.

Entry and Dismissal Doors and times are as follows:

Entry                   Exit 3               School Yard            Exit 2                Exit 6             Dismissal

Time                77th Street           78th Street        77th Street       78th Street             Time


8:30 a.m.           2-150 &                 Grade 1 &           2-201 &            Grade 3              2:00 p.m.

                          2-242                     PK-PO1               2-203     



 8:45 a.m.         K-149 &                  PK-PO2            Grade 4 &           Grade 5 &         2:15 p.m.

                         K-151                 K-153 & K-154        3/4-407                4/5-220


General Student Entry Procedures

The following entry procedures are  aligned with health and safety measures

  • All students (or their families on their behalf) must have completed a health screening before entering the school;

  • Students are recommended to arrive with their own face coverings, and if they do not have a face covering, one will be provided before entering the school building.

  • Single file line up will be implemented with six feet markers and identified traffic patterns with directional markings including staircases designated for up and down traffic.

  • Families are asked to be aware of exit procedures and are encouraged to arrive at designated times to avoid congestion.

  • Students and parents/guardians are asked to not congregate outside

  • At this time, schools must cancel/limit on site student assemblies, athletic events/practices, performances, and school-wide parent meetings

For the time being, field trips will be free virtual opportunities.



Lunch is in the classroom and it is an instructional period with a teacher.  Lunch periods will begin at 10:04 a.m. and the last lunch period will end at 12:25 p.m.  Your child’s specific lunch period will be announced shortly. 


Online schedule
  • Class schedules and schedules for synchronous  instruction will be posted for families.

  • Your child will be learning online each day that they are not receiving in-person instruction. 

In establishing schedules for synchronous instruction,  we have kept in mind factors such as feedback that has been received from students and families, the number of students who are more likely to engage at different times of the day, the age and grade level of students, student readiness, etc. with the goal of creating schedules for synchronous instruction that work for students and their families, whether they are learning in an all-remote or blended setting.

An overall class schedule and times designated for synchronous instruction (including both live instruction in whole and small groups as well as individually) will  be posted and  available in Google Classroom to all students and parents in the class. If changes need to be made to the synchronous instruction schedule, then teachers will  notify and provide adequate notice to students and families, so that they can adjust their schedules as needed.

Students are  expected to be online at 8:45 a.m. The schedule for live instruction will be posted by your child’s teacher.  Teachers will have office hours for 20 minutes each day immediately after dismissal

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Technical Information/Logistics

Please follow the instructions below to access Google Classroom using your login.


Where to start 


Go to TeachHub

  1. (Open external link)

  2. Enter your password

  3. Enter your DOE student account email (it ends in

  4. Click Sign In.

  5. If the username and password entered are correct, you will be signed into the remote learning portal successfully.

  6. Click on the Google Classroom icon.

  7. Now you are in Google Classroom!

Here is guidance on using Google Classroom

Video Tutorials

Get More Help

  • If you need technical support for Google Classroom, call the DOE Service Desk at 718-935-5100.

Getting Started with Microsoft Teams

Technical Support for Families

Let parents and families know:

  • Where and how to sign in/register for online learning

Families have the option of choosing to have their child attend school solely through remote learning at any time, for any reason, using the online form to complete the Learning Preference Survey.


How to get help with technical issues,

Trouble signing in

I can't sign in to Classroom

You might be trying to sign in to Classroom with the wrong account. Check that you’re using the email account connected to Classroom. You sign in to Classroom with one of these accounts:

Personal Google Account—This is set up by you, or your parent or guardian. Typically you use a personal Google Account outside of a school setting, such as a homeschool. It looks like .

Note: You must have an active Internet connection to sign in.

If you can’t sign in with the correct email account and password,  ask your teacher.

Not able to upload work

If you can’t turn in an attachment assigned to you, try these steps:

  1. To save any work you did in the attachment, copy and paste your work into a blank document.

  2. In the Classroom assignment, on the attachment, click Remove click Make a copy.

  3. Click the new attachment.

  4. Paste any saved work into the new file.

  5. Click Turn in.

Due dates for student assignments.

  • Your child’s teacher will post due dates and times. Students and families will be able to see the upcoming assignments and where they can be found. 

Safety Requirements for Students, Families, and Staff

Daily health screenings, including temperature checks, must be completed at home by families and will also be done  randomly by school-based staff.   These daily health checks are very important  to keeping our school community healthy and safe.

School-based staff and students cannot report to school if they have:

  • Been knowingly in close or proximate contact in the past 14 days with anyone who has tested positive through a diagnostic test for COVID-19 or who has or had symptoms of COVID-19.

  • Tested positive through a diagnostic test for COVID-19 in the past 14 days.

  • Experienced any symptoms of COVID-19, including a temperature of greater than 100.0°F, in the past 14 days.

  • Traveled internationally or from a state with widespread community transmission of COVID-19 per the New York State Travel Advisory in the past 14 days.

Every morning, prior to entering the school, specific staff will perform random samplings of temperatures for both students and school-based staff using non-touch thermometers.

•Schools will not record or track student and/or staff temperatures or other health information.

• Face coverings and gloves will be worn continually by designated staff taking temperatures.

• Any student exhibiting a fever from a random temperature check will  be evaluated by the nurse. If a nurse or health professional is unavailable, student will be escorted to the building’s Isolation Room.

In order to accommodate a student who may exhibit symptoms of COVID-19, we have a room designated as the Isolation Room which will be used to safely isolate the student  in the building until they can be picked up by a guardian.

• The school  nurse will evaluate  the student in the  appropriate medical space.

• Should the nurse/health professional be unavailable to examine the student at that time, the student must be placed in the building’s Isolation Room.

• Immediately after holding a student, the Isolation Room will be closed and a deep cleaning will be performed before it can be used again.

Student Shows Symptoms of COVID-19 While at School

  • Students showing symptoms of COVID-19 will be escorted to the nurse’s office or Isolation Room by a designated staff member.

  • The nurse or health professional will evaluate the student for symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, lack of sense of taste or smell, and other symptoms.

  • If no nurse or health professional is available, the student will wait in the supervised Isolation Room for pick up.

  • A family member or guardian will be contacted by the school nurse or a staff member and asked to pick up the student.

  •  Upon pick up, the nurse/health professional and school staff will strongly encourage the family to visit a doctor and get the student tested for COVID-19, and be provided with  information of the closest testing site, if asked. Below is the link to testing sites.

If the student has had no known contact with a positive case, the student can only return to school when all the following are met:

  • Presents a negative COVID-19 test result AND

  • Presents clearance from a health care provider evaluation AND

  • The student has been symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medication.

  • Additionally, the student should participate in remote learning if feeling well enough.

If DOHMH or NYC Test + Trace Corps determine the student is considered a close contact of a positive case, the student can only return to school when all the following are met:

  • The student has completed a 14-day quarantine regardless of symptoms or test results since their last exposure to that case AND

  • Presents a negative COVID-19 test result after the 14-day quarantine AND

  • Presents clearance from a health care provider evaluation AND

  • The student has been symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medication.

  • Additionally, the student should participate in remote learning if feeling well enough.

If the student does not get tested, then the student cannot return to school until:

  • 10 days have passed since the first symptom AND

  • The student has been symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medication.

The DOE will explore the possibility of adjusting the standard for students returning to school who have been unable to seek COVID testing and health care provider evaluation.


Safety precautions taken by the school

Below are the steps  we are taking  to make  the physical building a safe place for learning.

  • Our class size for in-person teaching and learning is reduced to 9  to 11  students per classroom in order to follow physical distancing guidelines

  • Mandatory use of face coverings will be  enforced for all individuals while in the building. All students in PreK to Grade 5 and all teachers and staff are included.  Exceptions to face covering usage are as follows:

o Medically verified students who cannot tolerate a face covering, including where students with such coverings would impair their physical or mental health,

  • Outdoor signage (e.g., six-foot space markings and directional signs) will be posted outdoors and  upon entry and throughout the school buildings, including entrances, exits, classrooms, offices, public assembly spaces and corridors.

  • Hand sanitizing dispensers have been installed throughout co-located spaces and high traffic areas.

  • Wellness barriers are  placed in the general office, and at the  safety desk.

  • Custodians will sanitize the school building on a regular basis. Cleaning and disinfection will includeall high touch surfaces: classrooms, desks & chairs, conference tables, drinking fountains, door handles and push plates, conference tables, light switches, restroom fixtures, partitions and hardware, buttons on hardware, elevator buttons, gym padding,and physical therapy equipment.

  • Improvements in ventilation

The main building has central AC, which is currently working properly.

Custodian Engineer has performed regular maintenance,  including changing filters on a schedule.  Classroom windows will be opened for fresh air.

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Exterior Spaces/Play Yards

• Multiple cohorts of students may use larger exterior spaces concurrently, provided that physical distancing is practiced between and within cohorts and students are well supervised.

• Blending of different cohorts are not be permitted as it could complicate contact tracing efforts and increase risk of transmission.

 • Ground markings may be used to encourage physical distancing.

 • PS 69 will endeavor to maximize the use of outdoor space for Physical Education.

Elevator use should be limited to individuals with special needs and should be operated at limited capacity as per current DOHMH guidance (2 persons per elevator), and face coverings must be worn at all times.


Free Meals

Grab-and-go meals will be available for breakfast and lunch each day, though students will also be permitted to bring their own lunch if preferred. Lunch will be in classrooms to minimize interaction between groups of students.


Grab and go breakfast will be from the entry door.

Grab and go lunch will be delivered to the classroom by a Food Services staff member.

The lunch schedules are posted under the In Person Learning Schedule section


Students are expected to clean their hands before and after eating and clean their eating area after eating. 


Meals will be provided to remote learning students and/or families from ---- to ----- at the main doors.  Anyone picking up meals is expected to observe physical distancing outside as they wait for the meal distribution and wear face covering/mask.


Key Contacts

Parents may  contact our Parent Coordinator, Ms. Marina Mrazovic at for questions related to our school’s coronavirus plan.  Let everyone in the school community know:

Should we need to contact you regarding potential exposure, you may hear from our School Nurse or our Assistant Principals.  If that is not possible, a staff member will contact you and will advise you who will call you with further details.



Changes and updates to procedures and schedules will be posted on our website as well as ClassDojo. 


Special Situations

  • Special needs students

    • We are able to schedule our self-contained special education students to attend everyday.  This is possible because the class size is no more than 12 students so we are able to maintain social distancing.  In order to do this, room changes were necessary to be able to use the most spacious rooms in our school. 

  • ELLs

    • In the 2020-21 school year ELLs will be served according to their 2019-20 level of English language proficiency as per their 2019 NYSESLAT, 2019 NYSITELL, or 2020 NYSITELL. We endeavor to ensure that each ELL student’s needs are met. 



Minimizing opportunities for spread is a necessary component for maintaining health and safety in NYCDOE schools. In an effort to limit the number of visitors in a school at any given time, as recommended by the CDC


Where possible,  we will address all visitor and parent concerns by phone or virtually. Parent meetings will also be  conducted remotely, where possible.


When it is essential to hold an in-person meeting, all visitors are required to follow the visitor control protocols, including

  • undergoing a temperature check,

  • completing a health screening form,

  • complying with physical distancing requirements and

  • wearing a face covering.

All visitors must receive a visitor’s pass which must be returned upon exiting the building.  All visitors must be escorted to and from the meeting destination, in order to prevent visitors from accessing unauthorized areas, limiting the possibility of exposure.  If a parent is called to the school to pick up their child, the child will be brought to the main lobby to meet the parent.


Learning Preferences

There will be four (4) times during the school year when parents can select whether to change or continue  remote learning only instruction.  

Families can opt into 100% remote learning at any time. Families who choose 100% remote learning can opt back into blended learning on a quarterly basis during a set timeframe that will be communicated clearly to families. Families can utilize this form to indicate their preference:

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