P.S. 69Q
The Jackson Heights School
It’s cool to be kind!!
Kindness means you are concerned about other people. Kind people think about another person's feelings than just their own, they help someone who is in need, and they are kind even when others are not.
Empathy is the caring emotion. It means the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
(from the Ripple Kindness Project. Go to their web page and check them out!)
Just because you’re a kid doesn’t mean you can’t make a difference
Making a difference doesn't mean doing something that's going to change the world. You can easily do things that make a difference to yourself, your family and friends, your community and even a stranger (ask permission from an adult before approaching someone you don't know).
It doesn't matter how big or small it is, the point is that you're trying to make someone's life a little better and create happiness. The best thing you can do to make a difference is be kind, because when you show kindness, it not only makes the people around you happy but it fills you with a powerful hormone that makes you feel happy too! Your happiness makes other people happy too.
So, if you're ready to spread some happiness, read on...
How to start.
When you first start spreading kindness, you'll want to do something small.
Smile at people!!
Your first act of kindness might be something as simple as smiling at everyone you see. Even a simple thing like that can make a difference to how people feel. Pay attention to the people around you when you do it and see how they react. I bet you'll get lots of smiles in return. Pay attention to how you feel when you see their reaction. I bet it feels good!
Be helpful
Another easy thing to do is to help when you see someone is in need. If you see someone struggling to open a door because their arms are full, you could hold it open for them. If someone drops something, pick it up for them. You get the picture.
Be considerate
Being considerate means imagining how you'd feel in a similar situation and helping the way you hope someone would help you. For example, if you see your teacher has been working all day and looks tired, perhaps you could do a job for them so they can take a break. If you see someone is upset, ask if they're okay and if you can help or just sit beside them so they're not alone.
Help at home
Most parents are busy people and it might seem like they don’t have much time to spend with you. The problem parents have is that there's always so much to be done around the house, and it's not that they don't want to spend time with you, but by the time they finish everything, it's probably time for you to go to bed.
So, here's how you can help fix that and make your family happy at the same time! Simply being nice to your brother or sister and helping where you can is something that will make the world of difference to the people in your family. The more you're able to help... like doing your set chores, picking up your clothes, helping with the dishes, hanging the laundry, feeding pets... the less time your parents must spend doing it. And if you just do these things without your parents having to ask, they'll be happy AND won't yell at you to do your chores. And here's the really great thing... your home will become a nice, calm place to be!
Be Kind at school
Teachers are a bit like parents. They have a lot to do and heaps of kids to look after. Imagine what a big job it would be to make sure your 20 - 30 kids all have what they need, understand the work and are happy! Now imagine you have some kids that think being disruptive is funny. Would you cope with people being rude, laughing and joking, calling out, picking on others, and refusing to do their work? Perhaps you can imagine why some teachers might have to yell or are sometimes a bit grumpy!
What we talked about before with your parents, applies at school too. If you want your teacher and friends to be happy and kind, then you can help make that happen. Making it easier for everyone in your classroom, makes your life easier and happier too!
Here are some things that help make your classroom a happier place to be:
always listen and do what is asked if other children are talking, remind them to pay attention always do your best be helpful to your teacher help tidy the classroom run errands for your teacher be on time to class hand in all your homework show respect by putting your hand up and waiting your turn be kind to and considerate of your classmates clear your table help someone who's having trouble don't talk behind someone's back
Give a compliment
Compliments make people feel good. They are a way of letting our friends know that we notice and appreciate them.
A compliment is a nice comment to let someone know we like something about them. “You’ve got a great voice!” “You are a wonderful friend!”
Compliments are usually about something someone owns, or the way someone looks, performs or behaves. “You’re being a great listener!” “You are a good dancer!” “Nice shoes!” “Your hair looks really nice like that!”
Steps for giving a compliment:
Start talking to someone
Notice something you like about them
Think of a nice way to tell them
Tell them what you like, by giving them a compliment.
Be kind on the playground
I'm sure you've seen someone who’s alone, picked on or bullied, or perhaps you've felt it yourself.
It's never nice when others gang up or call people names. Kids who are mean can think they're cool, but IT'S NOT COOL AND IT'S NOT FAIR!
What they're really doing is taking their anger or frustration out on someone else. Mean kids often behave badly because they need attention or are hurting inside. Many times, these kids have trouble understanding their schoolwork or have trouble at home and feel that no-one understands or cares for them. They aren't happy and feel bad about themselves and think that making someone else feel bad too is going to make them feel better, but the truth is that it doesn't!
How does being kind help when people are being mean?
When you're a kind person, you usually have a full bucket which means you are happy.
In other words you feel good about yourself because being kind to others makes you feel great. So, the nicer and more helpful you are, the better you make others feel and the more they'll like you.
When you feel this good about yourself, it's much easier to ignore the silly things other people do and not take them to heart or let them make you feel bad. Always remember if someone's being mean to you, don't take it personally. Often kids act like this because they're unhappy or jealous, and secretly wish they were like the person they are being mean to. So, the next time someone's mean, remember that they may not be in a good place like you and cut them some slack. Be nice even when they're being mean.
All of that said, it's important to remember if someone is hurting you with their words or actions, you should talk to your teacher. Your teacher can support you and get some help for the person who's unhappy.
Here are some things that help make your playground a happier place to be:
*help someone if they've hurt themselves
*return a ball if it comes your way
*open the door for someone
*talk to people you normally wouldn't
*pick up rubbish that's lying around
*smile at people
*include people in your game
*if someone's sad, listen or try to cheer them up
*help someone make new friends
*be nice to people who are new
*share your things
*talk to someone who looks lonely
*stick up for people who are being picked on
*give a compliment
*share your lunch with someone who has nothing to eat
Good Things
This is an activity that takes less than five minutes but is a way to start the day in a positive way. Ask yourself one of these talking starters
“One good thing in my life is. . ..” or
"Something good that happened is . . .”
This thing can be big or small; for example, last night I had pizza for dinner, or I got a pet turtle, or I passed my math test. Starting your day in a positive way makes you feel good and makes it easier to spread kindness.